Författare Ämne: 3 26-9340 - Katastroffordon i Bollnäs  (läst 4636 gånger)

Utloggad Tobias Voss

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3 26-9340 - Katastroffordon i Bollnäs
« skrivet: 19:23 - 24/11 2017 »
Hi :-)

last summer I could take pictures of the Katastroffordon at the ambulance station in Bollnäs
and now I'm looking for some more information about this vehicle:

- was ist used as an normal ambulance, and if yes when?
- does anyone has the equipment of this vehicle?

And another question is, all documentation about this vehicle say Euro-Lans produced it, but
the ambulance has a sticker of TRISTAR CANADA at the backdoor, so what of the work was
done in Sweden and which of the work was done in Canada?

I hope to get some answers :-)

Kind regards,

Kind regards / Viele Grüße / Hej så länge
Tobias Voss